On Mar 17, 2009, at 8:05 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

3. Your first repeat loop was one million whereas the second repeat loop was One Hundered Thousand. Not sure why the disparity there...

Because when I tried a million for the customproperties I thought I was going to have to restart my machine, Rev seemed completely locked up. What Jackie just said about reading one property instead of all of them, and getting timings of 503 and 238 is fair enough, it shows that reading one customproperty can be a little bit faster than reading a field. Even on her slower machine we're still only talking about 8.3 microseconds to read a field.

4. You were only GETTING the value of the field, not PUTTING data into the field. The experiment I presume was about both STORING and RETRIEVING data?

The idea was to find a way to play pre-stored MIDI. That would only involved getting the value of the field, except for the day during production when you stored the data, when you would have taken the extra few milliseconds to do the storing.

My original script only had a putting part to it so that it was easy to test on any .MID file on your drive.

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