I think that using a callback handler you can detect the 100% complete message from the server, then issue a 'QUIT' to close the connection immediately, then after getting the 'GOODBYE', start the next upload.

I have not done this in practice that I know of (accidents do happen and things work without you knowing why).

Jim Ault
Las Veagas
On Apr 14, 2009, at 3:34 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

Howdy -

While using libUrlFtpUploadFile to upload a bunch of files to a server, I find that libUrlFtpUploadFile opens a new socket for each upload. Even using a callback message to start a new one when the current one finishes, I get a "max number of connections" message back from the server when the server's max number is reached. After this, the next few upload attempts fail due to max number of connections; then as the open connections time out, new files can successfully upload again.

So... I want to know:

1) Does FTP require a new socket for each upload?

2) If not, how do I tell libUrlFtpUploadFile to reuse an existing open socket for the next upload?

3) Is there something else I'm missing? Am I making things more complicated than they need to be? I have a nagging suspicion along this line...

Here's how my code is structured:

on uploadMyFile pLocalFile, pServerPath
libUrlFtpUploadFile pLocalFile,pServerPath,"uploadEnded"
end uploadMyFile

on uploadEnded pUrl, pStatus
put pUrl & tab & pStatus & cr after fld "callbackParams"
put nextFileFromList() into p1
put nextServerPath() into p2
send ("uploadMyFile" && p1 & comma & p2) to me in 6 ticks
end uploadEnded

Many thanks for your help.
Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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