Hi Jim B & Jim A,

Thanks for the replies.

Actually I'm using libUrlFtpUploadFile because some of the files are movies (some > 100mb), so I don't want to use a blocking command.

The more I think about this, the more I believe it's a libUrl bug. If socket reuse works for download (which I believe it does), it should work for upload... Of course my argument is from a desire for the beauty of symmetry without regard to what's possible - which is how many good things come into being ;o)

I have a 2-part workaround:

on mouseUp
  put 10 into xServerMax
  -- I know the above number from experience;
  -- would rather ask FTP server for max
  -- but don't know an FTP command for it
  libUrlSetFTPStopTime 1 -- set the socket timeout to 1 sec
  ### WORKAROUND PART1 - end

  uploadMyFile tFirstLocalFile, tFirstServerPath
end mouseUp

on uploadMyFile pLocalFile, pServerPath
  libUrlFtpUploadFile pLocalFile,pServerPath,"uploadEnded"
end uploadMyFile

on uploadEnded pUrl, pStatus
  put pUrl & tab & pStatus & cr after fld "callbackParams"
  put nextFileFromList() into p1
  put nextServerPath() into p2

  repeat until (the number of lines in the openSockets < xServerMax)
     wait 1 tick with messages
  end repeat
  ### WORKAROUND PART 2 - end

  send ("uploadMyFile" && p1 & comma & p2) to me in 1 ticks
end uploadEnded


Jim Bufalini wrote:
Hi Phil,

While using libUrlFtpUploadFile to upload a bunch of files to a server,
I find that libUrlFtpUploadFile opens a new socket for each upload.
using a callback message to start a new one when the current one
finishes, I get a "max number of connections" message back from the
server when the server's max number is reached. After this, the next
upload attempts fail due to max number of connections; then as the open
connections time out, new files can successfully upload again.

So... I want to know:

1) Does FTP require a new socket for each upload?

2) If not, how do I tell libUrlFtpUploadFile to reuse an existing open
socket for the next upload?

3) Is there something else I'm missing? Am I making things more
complicated than they need to be? I have a nagging suspicion along this

Here's how my code is structured:

on uploadMyFile pLocalFile, pServerPath
  libUrlFtpUploadFile pLocalFile,pServerPath,"uploadEnded"
end uploadMyFile

on uploadEnded pUrl, pStatus
  put pUrl & tab & pStatus & cr after fld "callbackParams"
  put nextFileFromList() into p1
  put nextServerPath() into p2
  send ("uploadMyFile" && p1 & comma & p2) to me in 6 ticks
end uploadEnded

Since it doesn't appear that you are using the callback except to know the
upload ended and assuming these files are not huge and you don't need to do
anything else during the upload like show a progress bar or other
processing, you can just use:

Put "binfile:" before pLocalFile
Put URL pLocalFile into URL pServerPath

Unlike libUrlFtpUploadFile, a put URL is blocking, which means your
upLoadMyFile command is paused until the upload completes. If there is an
error, it will be returned in *the result* and you can handle your next
logic in the same handler.

I "believe" that because it's blocking, the socket is closed after the
upload, but someone else can/will correct me on this if I am wrong. ;-)

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

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Phil Davis

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