John Miller wrote:

>       1. They have invested a great deal of time creating PowerPoint
> files
> and don't want to redo them.

>From your follow-on post, this was understood.

>       2. We live in a powerPoint world. My users are often given a
> PowerPoint file from their denomination or a guest speaker who brings
> a PowerPoint file that they would like to project. Given enough time,
> we could convert these files, but when you are handed a file ten
> minutes before a church service, you can't always do the conversion.

This is a new factor you are just now adding. I don't think anyone,
including myself, understood that people are walking in the door with a
presentation in hand to be played by your software immediately.

However, given this, then an answer you were already given is the best. You
use a program (on PCs) called PPTView.exe. You can pass this MS free Viewer
the name of any off the shelf .PPT file name in the form of:

PPTView.exe /s AnyNewlyArrived.ppt

After a PPT splash screen, the presentation starts and when it ends it
completely exits and what is left is your underlying app.

You should use shell to call this from your app. Your app can copy the PPT
from whatever media the user has brought it in on to a directory with the
PPTView.exe in it. Then shell to PPTView.exe as described above.

Aloha from Hawaii.

Jim Bufalini

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