I heartily agree with:

"I would like to respectfully request  
that you do not change the Subject when responding to emails from this  
list. It creates a new thread in my email and I end up with LOTS of  
different threads on the same issue."

However, I never have this sort of problem:

"has something changed in the way the list sends out emails?  
Spamsoap is now catching and holding all the emails coming from the  
list, because the sender is not showing as the list, but rather as the  
person who posted the message."

as I always check the Use-List via its URL:


which, while being "kinda retro" makes things very simple.

I never use an e-mail client as they caused me a lot of grief a few
years ago. I have taken 2 vows of abstinence:

No e-mail clients

No Mobile phones

and my life is really rather nice :)

I keep a permanent list of bookmarks on a hidden page on my
website, so can access them wherever I am, and whatever computer
I use.

Tend to use a (now, sadly, unobtainable) live Linux distro called
"Wanderer" when away from home so that ye merry Windows PCs in, say,
Sleaze-Baggo's Internet Cafe, Istanbul (the name has been changed to
protect people who don't deserve to be protected, but the place is
real) cannot get their sweaty paws on anything of mine: bung in the CD, 
reboot, straight into a web-browser;

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.

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