Thank you Richmond!

Exactly this same idea came to my mind too and then I saw your reply. Experimenting right now.

All the best,

Richmond Mathewson wrote:
I stripped the leading ampersand, the hash (#) and the trailing semicolon from 黝
like this:

set the useUnicode to true
 set the unicodeText of fld "euro" to (NumToChar(40669))

and got a Chinese character (mind you, as I know no Chinese, it might be the
wrong one).

I suppose you will have to have a script that removes the characters mentioned at
the top before the text is displayed.

viktoras d. wrote:
sorry if I missed a possible hint in any of the previous threads on unicode. I am having trouble making Revolution correctly display bignum unicode entities like unicode characters of Mandarin Chinese. In mysql database all the unicode strings are encoded with leading ampersand and trailing semicolon like this: 西方黃黝魚 These get correctly rendered in any web browser, but Revolution fails to display them correctly in a field (I am seting htmltext of field).

Is there any way to fix this?

Best wishes
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