The cool graphic background is a desktop image from Ubuntu 7.10 which
was grey-scaled in GIMP.  Should be lolling around somewhere in the

viktoras d. wrote:
Thanks Devin, Richmond for even more hints!

Now I have my script almost working, it has to display both unicode and non-unicode in the same field, so I did this:

set the useUnicode to true
  set the itemdelimiter to "&"

  repeat for each item myItem in myInText
if ";" is the last char in myItem and "#" is the first char in myItem then
        put numtochar(char 2 to -2 of myItem) after myOutText
        repeat for each char myChar in myItem
           put myChar & null after myOutText
        end repeat            end if
end repeat set the unicodeText of fld "f1" to myOutText unfortunately it still leaves the last unicode entity undecoded in each unicode string, besides I would need special formatting of the output, so I will definitely need to think more :-).

Devin, the database is not mine (it belongs to the species2000 project), so I can not change anything what's inside, only try to display its contents. Now I wonder if MySQL itself has any function to do the decoding of these html entities in SELECT statement...

Richmond, I still have Revolution 2.6 besides the 3.5, so I haven't burnt all bridges to the old revonline repositories yet. Nice example, btw. cool graphical background (where from (url) ?)!

All the best and thanks again for your help!

Richmond Mathewson wrote:
People who have no access to the old version of revOnline and don't want to write to me can download (Chinese Typewriter) after joining the
RRText Tricks  Yahoo Group at:

Devin Asay wrote:

On Jun 12, 2009, at 2:31 PM, viktoras d. wrote:

sorry if I missed a possible hint in any of the previous threads on
unicode. I am having trouble making Revolution correctly display bignum
unicode entities like unicode characters of Mandarin Chinese. In mysql
database all the unicode strings are encoded with leading ampersand and
trailing semicolon like this: 西方黃黝魚
These get correctly rendered in any web browser, but Revolution fails to
display them correctly in a field (I am seting htmltext of field).

Is there any way to fix this?


I'm jumping in here late, but wanted to add, when you save your HTMLtext with Chinese characters, you need to make sure than all of the font tags are saved with it. It seems that when you're using Unicode embedded in HTML you also have to tell Rev exactly what font and language to use to display it. It ends up coming out something like this:

<p><font face="Kai" size="16" lang="zh-CN">&#24744;&#31163;&#24320;&#35762;&#22269;</font></p>

The font face attribute will of course determine the exact font, therefore the look of the characters. Make sure it's a font that you can reasonably assume will be on the target computer. The font lang attribute determines which variant of Chinese you use, Simplified (mainland) or Traditional (Taiwan primarily). For Simplified use lang="zh-CN". For Traditional use lang="zh-TW". Note that Simplified and Traditional Chinese fonts are not interchangeable. There are Traditional font faces and Simplified font faces.

By the way, here's how to get a list of Simplified vs. Traditional fonts on your computer:

   put the fontNames into tfonts
   repeat for each line tFont in tfonts
      if the fontLanguage of tFont is "SimpleChinese" then
      -- or use this test to find Trad.
      -- if the fontLanguage of tFont is "Chinese" then
         put tFont & cr after tList
      end if
   end repeat

Having said all that, it might be better in the long run to store your Chinese text in your database as UTF-8. To do so, just put your unicode text into a variable and upload it to a database:

  put unidecode(the unicodeText of fld "MyUniFld","UTF8") into myVar
  ## store the contents of myVar in the database

Then when you are retrieving it, you reverse the process. (You have to make sure that the textFont for the destination field is set to a unicode-compatible font first. Usually if you just put it back into the field you got it from it's fine.)

set the unicodeText of fld "myUniFld" to uniencode(myDataFromDB,"UTF8")

As I've said before, Unicode and Rev play together fairly nicely if you understand some basic concepts and know Rev's quirks. See my article at for more details.



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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