If the majority of consumers demanded fairness over gimmicks, the safeways of 
the world would be falling over themselves to meet that market.  It is we.  Our 
daily actions determine the shape of products and services and what we value.  
There is a study done of chimps.  A chimps was taught to count.  Put a late of 
jelly beans in front of it and this chimps would sit there draging one at a 
time into a pile... Then touch the square with the number (1 to 100) 
corresponding on a touch screen.  After a while he was correct almost 100 
percent of the time.  If he was correct, he got to eat the beans.  If not, he 
had to wait for the next day to try again.  Then the changed the experiment.  
Brought in another chimps behind a glass partition.  The other chimps had no 
roll but to be there.  In the presence of the second chimp, the counting chimps 
ability to count go worse and worse.  Especially because a wrong count meant he 
had to watch the plate of beans handed to the passive chimp each time he lost.  
I think humans have the same problem.  We cant perform when we think somone 
eles might profit from our mistakes. It isnt so much that we want a discount on 
toilet paper as it is that we simply couldnt take it if someone else got that 
discount and we didnt. 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Judy Perry" <jper...@ecs.fullerton.edu>
To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution@lists.runrev.com>
Sent: 7/2/2009 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: Creepy 2020

> Randall Reetz wrote:
>> You have a choice.  Dont sign up for "special" sales gimmicks.

But sometimes the choice isn't explicit, or really a choice at all.  The 
story I like to tell in my class is of how, when we were trying to have 
our children, we needed to use fertility services.  As we needed to use an 
egg donor (TMI, I know), we had to use twice the normal amount of hormone 
drugs, a partial portion of the price for which was covered by our 

Now, it turns out that some of these same drugs are also given to 
post-menopausal women, which didn't occur to me at the time, but I was 
somewhat astounded to have become the recipient of emails from the AARP 
and coupons for Depends...

Coincidence?  I think not.

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