The particular customer would have the web server farm and SQL Server (Microsoft's) in the same server room so security shouldn't be an issue unless the revlet can somehow be broken into on the client end. Most of the end users have trouble spelling G.E.D. so this is a minimal risk but it is there. Perhaps I AM making it more complicated (in my head) than it really is. I'll have to use ODBC because we don't have either other DB Driver that can speak to a SQL Server.

My immediate issue is they would like to see some sort of demonstration of what's possible (after all, the app I'm trying to replace was written over a 10 year period!) not the finished product. Therefore, I'd like to upload the sample program to my on-Rev account and have them access the data on my desktop computer at home (which has a SQL Server and some old data on it). I don't offhand know what port SQL Server uses but I have no problems with them accessing the data directly for a limited time and I don't think they will have a problem with this revLet accessing THEIR SQL Server if they decide to green-light the project.

I'll do some playing around with it.

Len Morgan
KTTK, Inc.

Mark Schonewille wrote:
Hi Len,

Yes, if the server allows it, you can do all you describe. It is indeed recommendable to use a cgi or irev to connect to MySql. I use PHP for this. Many hosts, including yours sincerely, don't allow a direct a connection to a database from a MySQL client.

Why would you put effort into keeping a connection alive? I don't think that keeping a connection alive will increase transaction speed significantly, unless you can connect to a database directly, without cgi/irev/php.

You can write a cgi or php script, for instance, which interprets a query from your client and executes it. I would consider this rather insecure, because a hacker who finds out how to send queries gets full control over your database.

You can get a url or use the post command to connect to a server and send your query from your revlet the same way you can from a desktop standalone.

Why is this complex?

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 9 aug 2009, at 18:43, Len Morgan wrote:

I'm trying to convert one of Tcl/TK programs to work on a web server instead of the desktop. Because of the Sarbanes/Oxley Act, this will save them a lot of money.

My question is:

I can convert the screens/tabs/menus fairly easily to a revLet. In fact, this is going rather smoothly. The problem is that the data to fill the fields comes from a SQL server. I assume that I'm going to need some sort of .cgi/.irev program to send a query to and get the results back from. Will this require a connect/disconnect every time I need to get data? Can I create a generic cgi/irev program to receive a query and return tab delimited records?

Better still, can I "connect" from my revLet and keep the connection open and talk to the server directly from the revLet?

As I said in my subject, this is a much more complex use of the revLet than I've seen talked about here.

Any help and/or advice would be appreciated.

Len Morgan
KTTK, Inc.

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