Hi Stephen,

I used the Revolution Geometry manager a long time ago, and when I saw all my 
objects doing crazy things, I stopped to use it.

NativeSpeak has a "strict geometry manager", for cross-platform rendering and 
to make objects to fit their content without breaking the GUI. (French 
sentences are a bit longer than english :) )

BTW, I understand that not all developper requires the complete NativeSpeak 
tool, (Localization + Geometry), and that's why for NativeSpeak 2.0 (that is in 
development) the geometry manager will be available separatly.

More info about NativeSpeak and its Geometry manager:

Kind Regards,
Damien Girard
Dam-pro, France.

Note about NativeSpeak 2.0: For all NativeSpeak 1.x owners, the update to 
NativeSpeak 2.0 will be free.

> Message du 14/09/09 00:21
> De : "stephen barncard"
> A : "How to use Revolution"
> Copie à :
> Objet : The $%$#%#$%# Rev Geometry
> Ok I've been a Rev user since 2001, and many times I've tried to use the
> geometry manager and it will work for a while, then BLAM, add or change
> something (like add a new card) , then everything to the right gets wider -
> a major mess. This happens sooner or later on EVERY stack I try to use
> geometry.
> Once in a while someone will mention rev geometry on this list, and the
> pundits will invariably say... "Geometry -- no big deal, just do it yourself
> - it's easy. Don't use Rev geometry. "
> But the Rev interface has such an intuitive interface to RevGeometry, I
> really want to use it. If it's broken, how is it used? If it's in there, why
> can't I just use it?
> Does anyone know how to stop this from happening? Really, it was working
> quite well for many days... now I can't change anything on the stack without
> this thing falling apart. I didn't change the size of anything, just tried
> to add a new card.
> If I have to go "commando" with geometry, does anyone have a guide?
> thanks
> sqb
> -------------------------
> Stephen Barncard
> San Francisco
> http://houseofcubes.com/disco.irev
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