I will discuss a number of peculiarities concerning groups.

1. "last group" is broken, at least it is unreliable
2. Rev remembers group names, even after you have ungrouped a group
3. If you select controls and group them by script the handles of the group are shown
4. You cannot paint on an image when it is grouped
5. Groups belong to the factors in an already reported scenario for safely crashing Rev

1. "last group" is broken, at least it is unreliable

From the dictionary

"Tip:  To refer to the newly-created group, use the last keyword:

 group button "Yes" and button "No"
 set the name of last group to "Do It""

Unfortunately, this is no longer the case - or has never been?. "last group" may indeed still refer to newly created groups, but there are a number of scenarios where this does *not* apply.
One example:

Create a group consisting of two graphics. Then create two fields and run the following script:

"on mouseUp
 select fld "one" and fld "two"
 put the name of last group
end mouseUp"

You will get the name of the group of graphics, not that of the fields! Conclusion:

If the topmost group consists of graphics and that graphics' group is also on the top layer, then a newly created group of fields will not be the "last group" - although it may be even placed on the top layer.

This bug is apparently also the cause for sometimes creating nested groups up to 9 levels deep, a phenomenon I had mentioned in my last crash report "How to reliably crash Rev 3.5 and 4.0-dp3 with four script lines".

To be on the safe side, I have rewritten my relevant scripts using the "owner" property, like
"on mouseUp
 select fld "one" and fld "two"
 put the owner of fld "one" into tlastgroup
end mouseUp"

Another, more circumstantial, workaround would be to use the "newgroup" keyword in an accompanying card script:
"on newgroup
global glastgroup
 put the name of the target into glastgroup
end newgroup"

and then refer to the global "glastgroup" in your button script.

2. Rev remembers group names, even after you have ungrouped a group

Example: Create two fields, group them, and give the group a name. Then ungroup this group. If you now - or at a later time - group these same two fields again, they will automatically get the name given to that group the first time.

Interesting "feature", what purpose would it serve?

3. If you select controls and group them by script the handles of the group are shown

If you are in "pointer tool" mode it is convenient to see the handles of controls and groups in order to be able to select and manipulate them manually, but if you select and group in a script you do not need this "help", it is a nuisance at best.

Although you are in "browse tool" mode when you run the script

" select fld "one" and fld "two"

the handles of the group will be shown. If you would like to take a snapshot of the newly created group ( "(rect of group tlastgroup) of this card"), this snapshot would include the handles.

Workaround: Add two lines to the script

" select fld "one" and fld "two"
 choose pointer tool
 choose browse tool".

The same holds for the ungroup command.

4. You cannot paint on an image when it is grouped

This is a bug - or feature? - that has already been discussed several times.

If you want to paint on a grouped image by script - for example using the "drag" command - you have first to move the image out of the group and then later put it back into the group, like in

"on mouseUp
 set the relayergroupedcontrols to true
 put the layer of img "x" into tlayer
 set the layer of img "x" to top
 send "mouseup" to btn "drag on image x"
 set the layer of img "x" to tlayer
 set the relayergroupedcontrols to false
end mouseUp"

Applying the global property "selectGroupedControls" or the new group property with the same name "selectGroupedControls" (introduced in Rev 3.5) does not make a difference, at least I did not succeed in putting together another workaround.

5. Groups belong to the factors in an already reported scenario for safely crashing Rev

I have described this in detail in my recent post to this list "How to reliably crash Rev 3.5 and 4.0-dp3 with four script lines". Here I just point out that "group" is among the elements causing to crash Rev and refer you to my original post for more details.

The following script assumes that you have set the angle of img "test" to an angle other than 0, that img "test" is ungrouped, and that img "Test" belongs in the category of "Pre-PNGs".

 "lock screen
 select img "Test"
 set the angle of img "Test" to 0"

For the definition of "Pre-PNGs" see my above-mentioned post or the introduction to my stack

<http://www.sanke.org/Software/MoreAboutMasksRev3.zip> in the text brought up on the menu card from the topright introduction button.

Seems to me, there is some work to do from the side of the Rev developers. I hope I have contributed something to start with.

Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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