Le 19 sept. 09 à 17:11, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

My girlfriend is fluent, but my own French is currently quite horrible;
I can barely read it and can't speak more than a few words
(and those still come out with that American twang).

I know what you mean....
I had 2 weeks ago, a very powerful experience of talking
your English language in front of mainly  english audiance.
I didn't tell them I was french, but I'm sure they all knew after my first sentence. Luckily, thery were all nice, which help me a lot... And don't tell them,
but few had a very strong Scottish accent...  :-)

But I like to read what I can in Le Monde now and then to practice,
and reading this open source mag will help my learning a lot.

May be one day, we could organize a  meeting
in Paris, called "RevParle Francais"  ?

Thanks for the link.

lurking on their site, I found something which could interest you.
In the main menu on top of page, select GRATUIT,
then you can download one free magazine,
then send a request to redact...@opensource-magazine.com
to receive  a key to be able to read it.... ( protected pdf )

Bonne lecture :-)


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