Thanks Marty. It's just slightly more complicated than that, though. In my case I've got a zip file which a script in my standalone has downloaded. I'd like to decompress it automatically from the same script but I don't know where "Archive Utility" is or what it's named on the end users machine. On my machine it's System/Library/Core Services/Archive but on a friend's machine I noticed it's named "BOMArchive Utility" instead of "Archive Utility". Any suggestions?


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

On Sep 24, 2009, at 10:08 AM, Marty Knapp wrote:

You can open a specific document with a specific application like this:

launch "/MyDocumentsFolder/TheDocument.doc" with "/Applications/"

using the path of each. and assuming the the application is capable of opening it.

Marty Knapp
On kind of a related note, anybody know how to set a file to open with a certain application? This is manually done with the Get Info window on the Mac but I need to do this from within a script.


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

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