Recently, capellan wrote:

> How do you handle the particular case,
> where the same image is used in different
> cards using varied ink effects and sizes?

I haven't had to do this.  If you need to scale/affect an instance of the
image, I suppose you could follow the method of the graphic symbol hack: use
a source image and an instance image, and manually script something like
"put img mySource into img myInstance".  This way you can tweak the instance
image separately from the source image.  As soon as you run the previous
script, though, the instance will take on the characteristics of the source,
but if the instance is locked, it will stay scaled.

> Why is important sub-pixel positioning
> and imge distortions?

Sub-pixel positioning will improve the results of object rotation and
movement because currently these actions are somewhat coarse -- rotating a
dial, for example, jumps around because the 1 pixel resolution in Rev is not
fine enough to produce smooth rotation.

Irregular image distortion would us to better create effects like page
turns, cover flow/carousel effects, and simulate 3D manipulation of images.
There is currently no way to create these kind of effects natively within
Rev -- you need to create a series of frame images outside of Rev that are


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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