J. Landman Gay wrote:
Mark Wieder wrote:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 11:13:21 AM, you wrote:

Once you have seen 5 drunken yobboes in kilts you have seen them all

Not true. Definitely not true. I saw more than that in the Halfway
House a couple of months ago...

It wasn't an issue at RevLive. There was only one guy in a kilt there. ;)

It wasn't the yobbo in the kilt that made the loudest noise, was it madam?

I must be crazy; in my upcoming revlet release of my Sanskrit typewriter
Muzz Landman Gay is only one of 3 RunRev developers mentioned in my
acknowledgements . . . mind you, in mildly abusive terms . . .  :)

Hope to have the RC1 'UP' by Friday night, at which point I will post the URL
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