I use a much cleaner system for 'mashing up' code for HTML and javascript
Try a couple of these tips and see if the pain goes away.

  --// a couple notes about browsers
   --// html honors both quote types, ignores extra spaces
   --// javascript honors both quote types

   --build the Rev string without ANY ampersands
   --use single, not double quotes
get " <a href='zhrefz' class='zclassz' rel='zrelz' title='ztitlez'>"
   put IT & "<img src='zsrcz/' alt='zaltz'/></a>  " into tImg
   --now do the replacements so they are easily visible/editable
   replace "zhrefz" with  "photos/test/" in tImg
   replace "zclassz" with "pirobox_gall" in tImg
   replace "zrelz" with    "lightbox" in tIm
   replace "ztitlez" with  "Best Photo" in tImg
   replace "zsrcz" with   "photos/test/" in tImg
   replace "zaltz" with    tSizeSpec in tImg
   --send to browser
   put tImg

   --the next level of factoring could be custom props
   --create an image link template
get " <a href='zhrefz' class='zclassz' rel='zrelz' title='ztitlez'>"
   get IT & "<img src='zsrcz/' alt='zaltz'/></a>  "
   set the cpImgLinkTmpl of this stack to IT
   save this stack
   --now use the image link template
   put the cpImgLinkTmpl of this stack into tImg
   replace "zhrefz" with  "photos/test/" in tImg
   replace "zclassz" with "pirobox_gall" in tImg
   replace "zrelz" with    "lightbox" in tIm
   replace "ztitlez" with  "Best Photo" in tImg
   replace "zsrcz" with   "photos/test/" in tImg
   replace "zaltz" with    tSizeSpec in tImg
   --send to browser
   put tImg

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Dec 31, 2009, at 7:41 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

And NO ONE should ever have to look at something like this again, let alone have to type it: put "<a href=" & quote & "photos/test/" & L & quote && " class=" & quote & "pirobox_gall" & quote & && " rel=" & quote & "lightbox" & quote & && " title=" & quote & L & quote & "><img src=" & quote & "photos/test/" & L & quote & " alt=" & quote & L & quote && tSizeSpec & "/></a>" into tImg

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