On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Malte Pfaff-Brill
<revolut...@derbrill.de> wrote:
> I certainly would appreciate having a list of distros being known to work 
> without major flaws.
> If it is branded "Linux" I expect *any* distribution (as far as that may be 
> possible) to work.
> If it was to say, works on UBUNTU and XYZ, for the rest you´re on your own my 
> friend, I certainly
> could live with that.

As a wise man who contributes to this list would say: "Amen to that,
brother" :-)

I would prefer that one distro could be chosen and be supported.  I've
never been a great fan of Ubuntu in the past (preferring most of the
better-known distros, in fact), but having installed Ubuntu on my
netbook, I've have been very pleased with it.

My frustrations have been with the idea that RunRev supports Rev on
Linux, when in fact the problems with Rev on Fedora, Suse, Mandrake
are manifold.  In fact, it was my desperation to find just one
distribution where I can use Rev that made me resort to Ubuntu.

I think Peter and some of the others may not be Ubuntu users, so they
may not endorse this line of thinking.

I really hope that if this was adopted there could be a push for
feature parity e.g. revBrowser on Linux.

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