Sarah Reichelt wrote:

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Richard Gaskin
<ambassador at> wrote:
Richmond Mathewson wrote:

How many users of this list think that RunRev are wasting their time,
effort and limited
resources continuing development of a Linux version ?

Count me among them.

In the "iPadding around" thread, you seemed to be in support of RunRev
continuing Linux development.
But here you say you think they are wasting their time.


And rightfully so. I misread Richmond's comment. Of course I find Linux a useful addition to the mix of OSes Rev supports.

When we look at where Linux is being used I see enormous opportunities for
specialized apps, even commercial ones, of the vertical sort Rev is ideally
suited for.

That's interesting. I have never come across any commercial market for
Linux apps of the sort that I thought I could create using Rev.

Sometimes the value can be strategic, but with one app I'm managing it's a direct cash investment: we have several universities with wallets open to pick up our Linux port as soon as we finish it, all for the low cost of just fixing a few paths and clicking a checkbox in the Standalone Builder.

I certainly don't expect Linux to go away, but I just don't think it
fits well with RunRev. We can't create a browser or an operating
system in revTalk.

I think there may be a misunderstanding of what Linux is. It's not a development environment, it's an OS, like OS X or Windows. Most of the millions running Linux aren't making browsers, they're just enjoying the web with them. And they don't need to make an OS; like us Mac folk they already have one they like. :)

Scripting languages are a natural fit on any OS, esp. one with a uniquely integrated object model like Rev. Have you seen the articles at on how they use Rev on their SUSE installations? Fun stuff, and not all that different form the sorts of things we make for in-house use here.

 Richard Gaskin
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