At 03:09:01 CST 2010 Kay C Lan wrote:

On Feb 17, 2010, at 8:10 PM, Josh Mellicker wrote:

Rev reads and
writes to fields super fast!

Clearly Richard 'the Benchmark King' Gaskin is asleep right now, but
when he wakes I'm sure he'll have the figures.

Maybe that should be "Benchmark Obsessive". :)

True, I was sleeping at 1AM PST, but when I got up this morning I found this intriguing enough to pull out one of my old test stacks. In fact, while I was at it I took some notes for an article on benchmarking I've been itching to write and posted it to revJournal:

Benchmarking Performance in RevTalk

Using this exercise of data access as an example, the code, results, and downloadable stack are in this section:

The bottom line in my tests reflect Dr. Raney's comments that Jacque noted:

    Number of iterations for read/write access: 5000
    LockScreen = true
    LockMessages = true

    Visible field, current card:  22
    Hidden field, current card:  23
    Visible field, unopened card:  13
    Hidden field, unopened card:  14
    Custom property:  5
    Global variable:  1
    Local variable:  2

    Number of iterations for read/write access: 5000
    LockScreen = false
    LockMessages = false

    Visible field, current card:  3353
    Hidden field, current card:  4823
    Visible field, unopened card:  13
    Hidden field, unopened card:  14
    Custom property:  13
    Global variable:  2
    Local variable:  1

One of the challenges in attempting to determine performance within a complex system is that there's so much going on that can affect things.

Benchmarking specific elements in isolation removes most of those interactions, usually leading to more repeatable results.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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