On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 2:45 AM, Ian Wood <revl...@azurevision.co.uk> wrote:
> I've got an app coming up which is Mac-only and will involve a lot of text
> entry where spell checking is critical (photographer's metadata entry) - no
> matter which way I look at it the various spellchecking workarounds/stacks
> for Rev just won't cut it as there's no way to make them look native enough
> and keep good performance. although I'd love to be proved wrong on that...

I found a good sequence of books when teaching myself iPhone
programming, so here it is:

If you don't know any C, then start with Learn C on the Mac
Although some of the later stuff is not really relevant to
Objective-C, you need to know the basics of the syntax.

If you already know some C, then go to Learn Objective-C on the Mac

After that, I went to Beginning iPhone Development
but the Mac equivalent is Learn Cocoa on the Mac

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