Aloha Folks,

Did anyone here is able to send email using sendmail in On-Rev, my code that
I use everywhere is not working anymore, somehow it can't open the sendmail

function sendMail pFrom, pTo, pSubject, pBody

  switch the platform
  case "Linux"
    put "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t" into mprocess
    open process mprocess for write
    write "From:" && pFrom & crlf to process mprocess
    write "To:" &&   pTo  &  crlf to process mprocess
    write "Subject:" &&  pSubject  &  crlf & crlf to process mprocess
    write   pBody &  crlf to process mprocess
    close process mprocess
    wait until mprocess is not among the lines of the openprocesses
    return the result

  end switch

end sendMail

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