
i just tried it out, and here it works without problems. Maybe its server 
My server is loki.

My script looks like this:
# escape shell characters: use this function before passing data to the shell
function shellEscape pText
        repeat for each char tChar in "\`!$" & quote
                replace tChar with "\" & tChar in pText
        end repeat
        return pText
end shellEscape

# wrap quotes around text
function wrapQ pText
        return quote & pText & quote
end wrapQ

# send an email;  pCc and pBcc  are fixed now
command mail pTo, pSub, pMsg, pFrom, pCc, pBcc
        put shellEscape(pTo) into pTo
        put shellEscape(pSub) into pSub
        put shellEscape(pMsg) into pMsg
        put shellEscape(pFrom) into pFrom
        put shellEscape(pCC) into pCc
        put shellEscape(pBcc) into pBcc
       put shellEscape(pAttachment) into pAttachment
       put shellEscape(pAttachment2) into pAttachment2
    get shell("echo -e" && wrapQ(pMsg)&& "| mail -s" && wrapQ(pSub)   && 
wrapQ(pTo) && "-c" &&wrapQ(pCc)  && "-b" &&wrapQ(pBcc) && "-- -f" && 

end mail

mail pTo,pSub, pMsg, pFrom, pCc, pBcc



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [On-Rev] sending email thru sendmail?! (03-Mrz-2010 19:19)
From:    Mark Wieder <mwie...@ahsoftware.net>
To:      runrev260...@m-r-d.de

> Andre-
> Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 8:05:32 AM, you wrote:
> > tried to use mail -s from command line, didn't work here... :-/
> mail -s used to work and now no longer does. So my PayPal integration
> is now officially broken.
> -- 
> -Mark Wieder
>  mwie...@ahsoftware.net
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