Peter Brigham MD wrote:
On Mar 18, 2010, at 9:31 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:

And then..... AAAArrrgghhhhhh!!!!! A calendar she'd be working with,
the most important of half a dozen calendars, for some reason she
inexplicably deleted, at that was it, it was gone! She looked high and
low, but it was gone. She was almost in tears when she told me what
happened. So I pointed out the clock icon with the anti-clockwise
arrow around and the Enter Time Machine menu item.... and 5 min later
we had her calendar back.

Time Machine has saved my sorry ass on several occasions. I have finally learned the hard way to back up obsessively. I LOOOOOVE Time Machine!

I got an email from a client last week who was frantic because he'd tried a web-based backup system and it mangled his stacks. His data was hosed. He had trusted the system, so didn't have a separate backup, and he wanted to know if I could unmangle the data. As it turned out, the stacks weren't really bad, they only needed to be tweaked a little, so all was well.

Then I mentioned that if he had Leopard and Time Machine, he should turn it on, it would save his butt. He wrote back and said that he had told me the same thing over a year ago, before I'd upgraded, and he'd recommended I get Leopard just for its backup features.

We both blinked at each other across virtual space for a moment as we realized that he had his stacks all along. We'd both forgotten.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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