I have chronoSync, and it's nice if you like to geek out and prefer to 
customise your backup strategies. For everyone else, I'd suggest superDuper. No 
configuration is often the best configuration.


for security reasons I suggest to use several different approaches to backups, 
because what if your only backup software is bugged? Therefore I use backup 
(.mac leftover) and time machine from apple, as well as chronoSync and manual 
copies. My backups reside on 3 different drives, as well as a server (or as the 
kids call it these days: "the cloud").

Do backups, or you will eventually miss them.

On 19 Mar 2010, at 17:25, Bob Sneidar wrote:

> I have used time machine to recover older versions of rev stacks where I had 
> made a mistake and unknowingly deleted an object with a lot of scripting in 
> it. Very nice feature to have. 
> I will caution this however. When doing a FULL restore from a time machine 
> backup, keep in mind it doesn't do everything. I had a local SQL server 
> running and it totally missed that. Apparently there are certain directories 
> it ignores by default. The one that the SQL data files resided in was 
> apparently one of them. 
> For full drive backup and restore may I suggest ChronoSync? Best dam backup 
> program period IMHE. And only $40. 
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