On 3/28/2010 2:19 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
Len Morgan wrote:
This should be so simple but I can't get the instructions in the documentation to work:

What I'd like to know is what handlers are available to a button. This would include not only scripts I've written for the button but also the ones that Rev has builtin (like mouseUp).

Open the dictionary, and in the panel at the left under the Objects category, click "Button". That lists all relevant button info.

I wish this were so but while there are some messages there, many are missing. For example, I'm not sure why "socketClosed" is listed under Object->Button but "mouseUp" is not. The "messages" entry does have mouseUp but doesn't tell me it's sent to buttons. What I guess I need is all of the entries from the messages category that apply to buttons (for example). Is there a way to get this?
It would be really cool if I could get any handlers along the way like in groups, cards, stacks that this button (or whatever control for that matter) is contained in/on.

The message hierarchy only works in one direction, starting from the object that first receives the message and moving on toward the engine. That means that you can't easily retrieve messages sent to an object farther along the hierarchy unless you specifically use a "send" command to re-route it, or insert a frontscript to catch it before anything else does. Behaviors are the single, limited exception; they push a message "backward" to a subscribing object, but after that the message goes through the hierarchy normally.

I think you might have misunderstood what I was asking for here. What I was suggesting was a way to map a message from, for example, a button to a group to a card to a stack to a library to the engine (with maybe a front and back script if appropriate). I guess it wouldn't be too hard to cobble something together that worked like traceroute does (tracert for Windows users), and get the long ID of a control, get a list of the messages in it's script, then for each message, send the message to the next object in the long ID (group, card, etc) and see if I get an error. The only problem would be the unintended consequences of firing a message that might do some damage (like a "Delete Everything in Sight" button. :-)

len morgan
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