Graham & Heather Harrison wrote:
On 22/04/2010, at 8:41 AM, zryip theSlug wrote:

1) Open your message watcher (Menu Development -> Message watcher) 2) Checked if there is no pending message, and no front script launched. If needed remove them.

Nothing found. I assume the font script launch would have been in
message watcher. If not I know not where to look.

The best way to check pending messages is in the message box (I think that's probably what our slug meant.) The fifth icon from the left is the pending message queue. Normally you won't see anything there unless you're viewing the UI messages. It's normal to see those. If you do see any pending messages that are not in the UI, see if you can copy and paste them here.

More likely to interfere would be a frontscript. You can see if any of those are running by checking the next icon over in the message box (6th from the left.) If you don't check the "show revolution ui" checkbox, you shouldn't see any frontscripts. If you do, tell us what they are. Some may be from plugins that are causing interference.

3) Create a new stack 4) Drop a "Scrolling field" on it 5) Copy or
type text in your field (10 or 15 lines to have a scroll bar) 6) In
the field property, ask for vertical scrollbar

By the time I got to Property Inspector it already had Vertical
Scrollbar ticked.

That's the only real distinction between a scrolling field and a regular field; Rev just provides a quick tool for creating one. So that property will always be set if you drag a scrolling field from the tools palette.

But here's another test. After you've created a scrolling field and filled it with some text, go to the Development menu and choose Suspend Development Tools. This removes the IDE entirely, leaving only the raw engine and your own scripts (but don't test with any scripts, keep your test stack blank.) If the problem persists, then something else is swallowing your first click. And since you're pretty close to the engine when the dev tools are suspended, it could be something outside Rev doing it (third-party mouse driver? Who knows.)

Am I really conversing with a slug? ("Slime sliiime sliimmme Zryip!")

As far as we know, yes. At least, he's never told us any different. He's a very friendly slug in any case, I'd definitely trust him in my strawberry patch.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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