Graham & Heather Harrison wrote:
I am trying to use Shao Sean's ssMacWindows, following his
instructions in RevUp Issue 79. Wasn't sure If I should place the
ssMacWindows162 folder into ~/Documents/My Revolution
Studio/Externals/, or unpack it there, so tried both.

The first example is to create a field with the following script to
turn on the "black dot" updated indicator: on keyUp setWindowModified
the windowID of this stack, 1 end

As soon as I type in the field I get: execution error at line 2
(Handler: can't find handler) near "setWindowModified", char 1

setWindowModified looks like a Mac parameter (?). What am I missing?

Rev can't find the external. The "handler" it's missing is one of the calls in the external library.

Externals are a little bit advanced. They aren't hard exactly but I'm not sure I'd learn Rev with them. This may be something you want to wait a while to tackle. On the other hand, if you're game, there are two lessons on the web site that cover how to set up and work with a stack using externals:


Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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