Mark Schonewille wrote:

> Why would you want to access this from a rev script? Once you deploy your 
> software, no one is interested in your My Revolution Enterprise/Studio 
> folder. 
> What exactly do you want to do? 
> Inside the IDE, you can call the choosecustomizationpath command. 

I am nowhere near deploying, just learning. This parameter is available, but 
seemingly not used by rev until you rub it's nose in it. Since I dislike doing 
things twice, I see no reason to repeat the information in a rev script. And 
the two lessons available, get around the problem by making the user select the 
file, which is just as unpalatable.

Now you introduce choosecutomizationpath which may be a good solution but I can 
find no reference to it in the user guide, or the dictionary. Not the first 
such omission by any means.
Actually, Jacque's suggestion:
>  I usually put the external in the same working folder with my stack and 
> point the stack's externals property to a relative file path. 
sounds very good to me. As soon as I decipher the guide's explanation I will 
give it a go._______________________________________________
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