Really nice post, Bob. Thanks. 


Jerry Daniels

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On Apr 29, 2010, at 12:17 PM, Bob Sneidar <> wrote:

> I think the source of whatever disagreements are being had in this thread 
> stem from a tendency for people to misperceive the nature of the world they 
> actually have to deal with day to day, and their ability to make any real 
> quantum change in it's nature. This is driven by the seemingly inescapable 
> sense that "men ought to be better than this" but simply aren't, coupled with 
> their own inability do do much about even themselves, never mind everyone 
> else. 
> One of the reactions to this phenomenon that I see people exhibit frequently, 
> is to imagine a better world, and then try to live their lives as though the 
> world was more like the better one they imagine. My personal opinion is that 
> this is a fools game. Usually what actually transpires, is that being unable 
> to produce any real substantive change themselves, they often latch onto 
> certain causes, and then pursue them to extremes which would shame all but 
> the best of saints. In doing so, they cannot help to implicate and alienate a 
> great many people for "not doing enough" toward their particular cause. The 
> net result is a kind of moral finger pointing usually reserved for religious 
> folk who say but don't do. 
> Now apparently many people feel that Steve Jobs ought to be behaving much 
> more in accordance with the benevolence and altruism that their perception of 
> "the world that ought to be" requires, and are disappointed that he doesn't. 
> I call to witness all the claims of his lack of consideration for "what 
> developers want" claiming that instead he is simply focused on the bottom 
> line. 
> I suppose in the world that ought to be, heads of corporations would be free 
> to pursue such lofty goals at will, while the masses admired him for all he 
> aspired to do. But we live in the real world, not "the world that ought to 
> be", and in that real world, people pay Steve Jobs a lot of money. Those 
> people expect him to do one particular job. That job is to make Apple as 
> profitable, in the near term and in the long term, as he can possible make 
> it. Most of the time he can accomplish this by accommodating as many end 
> users and developers as possible, but this is not always the case. Sometimes 
> in the world that is, you have to take from Peter to pay Paul. Peter's 
> friends will undoubtedly feel angst at this, but then Paul's friends would 
> feel no less angst should the transaction not have occurred. 
> So my point here is that trying to live your live in "the world that ought to 
> be" is fine up until the point that you begin to require of others to do the 
> same. If imaging such a world motivates you to be a better person in the real 
> one, excellent. We need more of you. Just know that my version of "the world 
> that ought to be" is likely to be on may points contrary to yours. We aren't 
> going to get along very well requiring each other to conform to each other's 
> dreams and visions. 
> Instead, we ought to resign ourselves to figuring out how the real world 
> works, and then do our best to live in that world while not compromising our 
> own personal principles, or encroaching on anyone else's rights or freedoms. 
> I often tell starry eyed young people with hearts full of hope recently 
> deferred, "There is 'The World That Is' and there is 'The World That Ought To 
> Be.' You can only live in 'The World That Is.'" 
> Bob
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