I actually had the opportunity (well obligation seeing I was one of the crew on 
a United States warship at the time) to visit Sydney, and being a young sailor 
who visited nude beaches every chance I could get, I spent a couple hours 
there. It was quite beautiful, even then. It may no longer be a nude beach, and 
from the photos it looks a great deal more developed than it was back then. It 
took some doing to get there. 

Now that I've "come to my senses" (which may not necessarily be a good thing) I 
don't visit nude beaches anymore. And given the apparent effect that entropy 
has had on my physique, I suspect those who frequent nude beaches these days 
are thankful about this turn of events. LOL! 


On Apr 29, 2010, at 11:49 AM, Devin Asay wrote:

> On Apr 29, 2010, at 12:31 PM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:
>> On 29/04/2010 20:20, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>>> Yes, that was what they called it. I believe that if real Turquoise could 
>>> speak, it would express vehement dismay for the association with the actual 
>>> color Apple used. :-)
>> More a virulent, vaguely polluted, tropical lagoon sort of colour.
> The official name of the color was "Bondi Blue", supposedly named for the 
> color of the water at this beach in Oz:
> http://www.hempelfamily.com/bondi_to_bronti.htm
> And you could even see the computer's innards under the "water"!
> Devin
> Devin Asay
> Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
> Brigham Young University
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