Thierry, Paul,

Thierry said:
Concerning  your recipie from the previous email, it works only in your context.
Pass your stack and your external to someone, and you're stuck again !

Yes, I warned about that and mentioned that a relative file path would be necessary for portability. My example was very simple, just to show that the external did work and to get Graham started in the simplest way.

Both of you have brought up the issue of testing externals, and that's one of the times that you really do need the temp stack method. Loading on demand repeatedly is required for that. (You're right that Mark Waddingham made it popular in his newsletter articles, though someone else first thought of it I think; Ken Ray maybe? I've forgotten.)

Paul said:
I posted a feature suggestion in the forum that you be allowed to leave the
extension off, and have the run-time library automatically add the extension
appropriate to the platform when it loads the extension, so that this would
all be unnecessary.

Originally, way back in the MC days, you could place both file paths (either relative or absolute) into the externals property and the engine would load the appropriate one for the current OS. At some point that stopped working in later MC versions, but that's what I'd really like to see restored. I used to be able to set the stack externals to this:


And then I could forget about it. When the stack opened on Mac, the bundle loaded; on Windows, the dll. In fact, you could put a whole list of mixed-OS externals in there and the engine would pick out the right ones and ignore the rest. I haven't tested this in years, maybe it does work that way again. If not, I wish it would.

Thierry said:
From my little point of view, if the external property was relative to the path 
the stack instead of the engine. it would be less troublesome....

Yes, that would be ideal. My method for dealing with externals is pretty simple really. Since I don't write them and I only need to use them, I can get away with this:

For development work, I load the external into the IDE so it's available. In the mainstack, I add this short handler and forget about it:

on startup
 if the platform = "macos" then
  set the externals of this stack to "foo.bundle" -- or any relative path
  set the externals of this stack to "foo.dll"
 end if
end startup

Startup is the only time you can set the externals of a stack and have it work. The handler will never trigger during development because the IDE gets the startup message. But when running as a standalone, the mainstack will get a startup message and the externals get set correctly. Then I just need to remember to put the external files in the correct relative location in the standalone folder before shipping.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |
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