Chipp Walters:
"...So, while Rev (and Flash and many other dev platforms for iPhone) compile
directly to a binary, they are still in violation of the NEW SDK 4.0
recently released license..."

Thanks for the summary, Chipp.  I was unaware that Apple had changed the rules 
**after essentially promising something else**-- not too different from a "bait 
and switch".  I can see why developers might hesitate to create applications 
for a platform for which the powers-that-be might set up future additional 
I guess Apple feels that the general public really doesn't care, and (Apple) is 
not overly-concerned about alienating multi-platform developers.  On a purely 
business level, who am I to question their strategy?  But I do think that it is 
inappropriate of Apple to suddenly shift gears and leave hanging companies who 
have invested significant time and resources to Apple mobile platform 
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