On 05/08/2010 at 09:57 AM, Jerry Daniels wrote:
> People always ask: "What sorts of things can you do with Revolution?"
> Rodeo is an example of one of Rev greatest strengths: manipulating
> strings on a server to create web app pages for a very particular device.

As a user of Revolution, know what Revolution can do. It is very powerful
indeed. However, I have only seen videos of a Rodeo sales pitch. Do you
have videos that demonstrate your Rodeo product in action? I really don't
like subscription-based business models either. I prefer to buy a tool than
to rent it.  After years of using Rev as a multi-platform tool, I won't go
back to something that allows me to develop on/for only one platform. I
have been spoiled by the choices that Rev provides.

Also, I thought there was something in our Revolution contract that would
prevent the creation of tools that compete directly with RunTime itself.
Isn't Rodeo in competition with RevMobile? It seems that the Apple/Adobe
decision is creating division everywhere. I don't like it.

~Roger Eller

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