On 13/05/2010 00:25, Dave Cragg wrote:
Bringing things back on topic (well sort of)...

Nietzsche also wrote something called (in English)

To come out of the closet, or to stay shut in; that is the question.

The Gay Science.

Oh dear! Polysemanticism and the perils of translation.

There is a chap called 'Randy' over here the other day, and my first name is 'John' . . . the whole thing can be carried too far.

At my school there was a chap called 'Shufflebotham' (pronounced in 'that' way) who was an extremely good country runner;
although he was often beaten by the chaplain's son; 'Alcock'. I kid you not!

Sooner rather than later our good wag, J. Landman G. will "quip one off".

This is something of which a certain person on this list is sure to endorse, 
and illustrates Nietzsche's great foresight or aforementioned person's 
retrospective hindsight with which we are all familiar, relatively speaking.

Thus spoke Dave

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