On 12th May Chipp Walters wrote:
> Who'd of thought XCode developers can't design perfect
> interfaces?<http://shaferwaltersgroup.posterous.com/whod-of-thought-xcode-developers-cant-design>
> Excellent Article on the iPad's Usability. I'm sure Steve Jobs is surprised
> his XCode developers haven't created optimal interfaces. I'm sure with a few
> more license changes, this will all get sorted out. ;-)

Thanks for this reference Chipp - for those of us who lived through the two 
decades of multimedia and hypermedia, it is good to see that the old master of 
human-computer interaction, Jakob Nielsen, remains as active and relevant as 
ever. If we learnt anything in those days, it was that design is 80-90% of the 
success of any app, coding is secondary. Another local hypermedia 'guru' of 
mine was Lynda Hardman, whose seminal article (with Deborah Edwards) on 
cognitive mapping and navigation, "Lost in Hyperspace", is also equally 
relevant today.
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