> P.S.
> It is working in RR 1.1 AND in MC 2.5!!! So what...
So maybe I need XML support in my project so using RR 1.1 is not an option
and MC 2.5 is not on my PC...
> OK....let's get really bloody-minded......
Go ahead, make my day ;-)
> What happens if we do the work in MC 2.5 and then open the
> end result in RR 2.0.1 ?
Creating them in 1.1 and using them in 2.0 works fine, that's the way I am
doing it right now...
So where is the bloody-minded part?
> Just waiting while a tryout version of Photoshop
> decompresses on my work computer..........
Tssss, a real developer not having a full version of PhotoShop?
That's a kinky thought... ;-)


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