> 1.  Just created a stack with custom cursors in RR 2.0.1
> (Mac OS X) with absolutely no
>     problems at all!
>     Uploading it to contribs page.

It seems that this is a Windows (XP?) problem only then... Thanks 4 the
effort, will look into your contribution right away!
> 2.  Digs about developers not owning photoshop: some of us
> are 'struggling artists' and
>     photoshop is very expensive.  Of course if Meister
> Kuijpers is feeling generous he
>     is more than welcome to buy me a copy of Photoshop!
I know it is, but because of the complexity an the kind of jobs I am doing
it is very nice for me to have a copy...
And if my budget would allow it, I would by an unlimited user licence for
all of you ;-)

Ton Kuypers

> Richmond Mathewson
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