Oh, Blast: I got the wrong end of the stick completely . . .

There was nothing wrong with my CASE script at all !!!!!

The problem seems to be that standalones have a problem with
the second part of a script that runs like this:

on mouseUp
   set the useUnicode to true
   if fld "fBUILT" is empty then
set the unicodeText of fld "fRESULT" to the unicodeText of fld "fRESULT" & numToChar(2311)
       do fld "fMAHA"
       if fld "fPROC" is empty then
      --do nix--
set the unicodeText of fld "fRESULT" to the unicodeText of fld "fRESULT" & numToChar(2367) set the unicodeText of fld "fRESULT" to the unicodeText of fld "fRESULT" & the unicodeText of fld "fPROC"
      put empty into fld "fPROC"
      end if
   end if
      do fld "fARSE"
put empty into fld "fBUILD"
put empty into fld "fBUILT"
select after fld "fRESULT"
end mouseUp

i.e. from the first ELSE onwards.

fld "fARSE" (it concerns 'r') contains the following script:

if fld "fRRR" is empty then
       --do nix--
set the unicodeText of fld "fRESULT" to the unicodeText of fld "fRESULT" & numToChar(58107)
      put empty into fld "fRRR"
  end if

[i.e. post-positions Devanagari 'r' in a conjunct consonant]


Why do I get a tingly feeling (err . . . probably called wishful thinking) that RunRev 4 is not
going to allow execution of a script in a fld in a standalone??????


What I still don't understand (and this is the sticking point) is why this all works in the
stack but not in the standalone . . .

So, only marginally wiser . . . :)
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