On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 1:47 AM, Bob Sneidar <b...@twft.com> wrote:

> I'm curious why you are using this command and not the low level file
> commands:
> open file
> read from file
> write to file
> close file
> Bear in mind I'm not an expert on low level file commands. I am simply
> curious about your method.
> There could be two reasons. Firstly this Tip at the bottom of the
Dictionary entries for the above 4 commands:

Tip:  As an alternative to the open file, read from file, and write to
> filecommands, you can also use the URLkeyword with get, put, and other
> commands to access the contents of a file.

Personally, if it's a Tip, it suggest to me that it's a better way to do
something. My understanding by using 'put someData into URL "
ftp://www.mySite.net' you avoid the need to open and close a file, plus, as
mentioned, you get to work with servers.

Additionally, you avoid this problem, as mentioned in the dictionary:

Important: before opening any file for writing to, remember to back up the
> file contents as Revolution will erase them even if you don't write to the
> file after opening it.

Does seem important.
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