Emmett Gray wrote:
In the HC version of a stack I've converted, I have a "notes" text field. The field has a vertical scroll bar, but not a horizontal one (and that's what I want). In HC, a long URL will wrap so you can see the whole thing on multiple lines. In Rev, it doesn't wrap so you can't see it all (although you can still select it by dragging to the right). Can this behavior be changed to be like in HC (i.e. force a line with no spaces to wrap)?

As Sarah said, Rev won't wrap these lines. If your field has no tab stops in it, you can use a cheat. Set the tabstops of the field to 1. Then use this in your handler:

  replace slash with slash&tab in fld 1

Visually it looks almost right, you have to really squint to see those 1-character tabs. This way the engine will wrap the line automatically. If you only want to wrap a single line in the field, just use something like:

  replace slash with slash&tab in line x of fld 1

If you need to use the URL for something, be sure to replace tab with empty in the field contents before using it for anything:

  get line x of fld 1
  replace tab with empty in it
  launch url it -- or whatever

If you need real, hard-coded carriage returns or you can't set the tabstops to 1, this handler works on longer URLs that need to wrap over more than 2 lines. (Sarah's works fine on 2-line wraps.)

on wrapField pFld -- pass name or number
  set the itemdel to slash
  put the width of fld pFld - (the leftmargin of fld pFld) - (the \
     rightmargin of fld pFld) into tWidth
  put 1 into x
  repeat until the formattedwidth of fld pFld <= tWidth
    if the formattedwidth of item 1 to x of fld pFld > tWidth then
      put item 1 to x-1 of fld pFld & slash & cr after tText
      delete item 1 to x-1 of fld pFld
      put 1 into x
      add 1 to x
    end if
  end repeat
  put tText & fld pFld into fld pFld
end wrapField

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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