> I just ran a test and was unable to reproduce the prompt:
> I used "ask file whatever", and in the OS putfile dialog I typed the name of
> an existing file but without the extension.  The dialog did not prompt that
> this was a duplicate name.   I also tried a different extension, with the
> same result.
> The only time I could get the OS dialog to report that the file name was the
> same as an existing file was when I included the file extension matching the
> existing file.
> This is consistent with Rev's behavior too, since it will only overwrite the
> file if the complete name of the file is an exact match of an existing one.
> Do you have a recipe for getting the OS dialog to report a duplicate name
> when the extension is different?  Which OS are you using?
> --
>  Richard Gaskin

Hi Richard,
I'm using the code exactly as was shown in my original post, with the
exception of the actual filename and extension which I made more
generic for the sake of example. Here is the code again as well:

on SaveTheFile
  ask file "Save project as:" with filter "MYFL file,*.myfl"
  if it <> "" then
     put it into tfile
     put fld "save list" into tFiletoSave
     put tFileToSave into url ("file:" &  tfile & ".myfl")
     exit to top
  end if
 end SaveTheFile

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium with admin privileges and the UAC turned on.

Best regards,
David C.
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