> Before you submit a report, could you do a test? I don't have Win7 to test
> on, but we should make sure it's really excluding the extension.
> Try something like this from the multi-line pane in the message box:
>  ask file "Choose a file:"
>  put it
> When you select a file, use your click method to choose it. Then see if the
> extension is in the file path that appears in the message box. If it is, I
> don't think Rev's misbehaving. If it isn't, then Richard's on to something
> and there's a problem.

As requested I entered your code in the message box..
It popped up the file dialog as expected and when I selected an
existing file using the mouse, it gave me the "replace file?" prompt,
then returned the following in the message box:

C:/Users/david/Desktop/sample project/testme.txt

Which is correct for the file chosen.

Still running behind and haven't had a chance to try the code you and
Peter cooked up. (Thanks Peter)

Best regards,
David C.
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