On 6/15/03 11:03 AM, rand valentine wrote:

  I am still struggling to install the valentina database xcmd on my mac
10.2.6 system (with revolution 2.0.1). Has anyone done this successfully?
According to the author of Valentina, it's a simple matter of dragging the
macho version of the xcmd into the Revolution 2.0.1 folder -- but this does
not work for me, the xcmd is not accessible inside Revolution.

I wonder if this is an engine problem. The reason is, I have a stack that uses a different external which only loads about half the time. A client says it never loads at all, and a third person says it always loads. I haven't been able to determine any differences between our three setups or pin down any reason why the behavior would vary. All three of us are running OS X. I have a note in to MC tech support and if I figure it out, I'll let the list know.

the xcmd bundle looks like a Canvas (graphics program) tool, and when
double-clicked on, opens Canvas. Could anyone remotely clue me on how to get
this to work properly?

It sounds like you need to use a utility to set the type and creator codes. You may be able to just use OS X's "always open with" option in the contextual menu, but that may not set the type correctly (it's worth a try though.) In OS 9, you'd rebuild the desktop, but OS X doesn't offer that.

-- Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED] HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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