On 6/16/03 8:31 PM, Ron wrote:

Hi Jacque

If I may add my comments to this. I still not sure you are talking about
just Valentina, which I use extensively or externals in general, but since
you responded to Robert's post, I assume you are using Val.

I was being more generic, but the concept is the same no matter which external is in use.

For VXCMD_Macho_MC on OS X
file path form - /Projects/Val folder/filename
I have the Val bundle at the same level as the standalone or RR stack.

That's how I have had it set up so far, and it works for me. Not sure why it isn't working on the client's Mac, but the fact that it doesn't is what led me to wonder if my paths were wrong, or at least, iffy.

I don't use VXCMD_Win_MC on WINDOWS yet but I've been told the filepath is:
D:\Projects\Val folder\filename
does that sound right?

Could be. If the exe is on the D drive, then it would be right. If the exe is on the C drive, then you'd need a path that points to the exe on C:. I have built a Windows version of my standalone, and the dll lives in the same folder as the exe, and the externals property points to it there. The Windows version of the standalone works okay for everyone.

Is this what you were asking?

Yup. Thanks.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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