On 07/11/2010 11:15 PM, Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:

As I haven't written programs in a REAL
development environment

What, pray tell, do you mean by "a REAL development environment" ?

I hope that that does not imply that you think that RunRev is NOT . . . .


Question ! How many of you out there would be
ashamed to show your coding to others ?

Err . . . where is the virtual confession box?

Mind you, I don't know how anybody can be so full of themselves
to pronounce absolution on us crappy coders. And what sort of penances
are they going to be ladling out?

I know that I ALWAYS was !

This may be a vital question.

I'm up to 4 cents now. I may go to 6 ..... !

Probably 108 ! But leading all of us to the confession box may mean that
you are storing up treasure in RunRev heaven like nobody's business.

If you imagine that I am going to run around in a hairshirt or sackcloth and ashes just because my programming looks like a pig's breakfast you have another thing coming; especially as I have managed to put my oar in so many other places that when the time comes those who sort these sorts of things out are going to end up
with bust scales because of my karmic backlog without even taking my ghastly
coding into consideration . . .  :)


As you say you have largely given up coding I've heard there is a job going as
the "Torquemada" of the coding police; as those happy chaps said many, many
years ago


 "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition" or "The Comfy Chair" . . .  :)
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