
Very detailed response, over my head but the links you included have lead to much more study on my part.

This has gotten late, but I would be remiss if I didn't thank you for the time you spent on this educational post!

Tim Selander

On 7/11/10 11:03 AM, Jim Ault wrote:
On Jul 10, 2010, at 5:56 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:
On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Tim Selander
<selan...@tkf.att.ne.jp> wrote:

Thanks for the reply. Sorry for not being clear. By 'open' I mean I just
want to take the user to another page, as if they had clicked a link.

I'm trying to write a simple form to get user input (based on Sarah's
revForm.irev script) and want to take them to a 'Thank you' page
automatically after they submit the info.

I found that the easiest way was to show or hide info on the same
page, depending on user input.

But if you want to take them to a different page, you can redirect.
Check out the script

Note that the redirect headers have to be "put" BEFORE anything else
is written to the page.


For web content serving,
there are actually 3 different things being specified in this thread.
I think the bottom of this post has the answer you probably want to use.

UPDATING THE SAME PAGE - sending HTML tags and content to be displayed
in the current browser window
If the user does 'reload' or 'refresh', the original content will be
re-displayed since the browser still thinks it is focused on the
original url.
The new content does not change the browser history since there has been
no real navigation as far as the browser is concerned.
get url "http://www.runrev.com";
put it

REDIRECT - tells the browser to keep the current url in history, but now
focus on a new url
This is commonly used to keep old links stored out on the internet
working, but 'bounce' to new web pages or url.

This gets a little complicated when you break down the different
meanings of a url.
http://someDomain.com/ or http://www.someDomain.com/ or
-- will simply show the default page for the domain

http://someDomain.com/aboutus.html or
http://someDomain.com/aboutus.php or
http://someDomain.com/aboutus.cgi or
-- will simply show the page for that location

-- will show the page and scroll to the anchor named

http://someDomain.com/aboutus.html?loc=homeOffice xx no
-- will show the page with info that a script provides by using the
variable 'loc' with the value "homeOffice"
The exact data sent back to the browser depends on the script programming
NOTE: PHP and irev and cgi cause scripts to run on the server, but HTML
does not, so sending variables.

The reason scripts are run is that Apache has been told when it started
that those 3 strings mean that Apache should follow its directives and
run the correct script engine. At this time, the only server that knows
about irev is the On-Rev system, thus irev scripts cannot be run on
other systems.

The On-Rev server knows how to run scripts using PHP, cgi, as well as irev.

LOCATION - This is probably what you were looking for
- change the Browser's memory variable that causes the browser to focus
on the new url, keeping the original url in history, and reloading the
new url.
What you probably want to accomplish is sending a raw HTTP header to the

More details here [ http://php.net/manual/en/function.header.php

Possible headers to send to a browser
Their are two kinds,
Request (from browser) to instruct the Apache server
Accept-Language: da
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Response (from server) to instruct the browser
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Location: http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/People.html
Refresh: 5; url=http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/People.html
(refresh the same url after 5 seconds)
Set-Cookie: UserID=JohnDoe; Max-Age=3600; Version=1
(store data on the user's hard drive)
(but it expires in 3600 seconds, 60 minutes)

and specifically HTTP_location discussed here

so in irev you would
put "HTTP/1.1 302 Found" into sendResponse
put cr & "Location: http://www.www.runrev.com"; after sendResponse
put sendResponse -- back to browser that started the dialog

Just to let you know, REDIRECTION issues are much more complex
This is a good overview...

Bottom line for your specific task, use the scripting just below the

Hope this helps. You have chosen to enter a world that can be very
confusing, so tread carefully and study tons of examples.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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