I can never make my mind up whether a sleepless night where one's mind never stops churning like a tumble-drier, resulting in "brilliant insights", or a good night's sleep so that one can actually put one's "brilliant insights" into practice is better.

Well, I had a sleepless night, and am now propped up with an indecent amount of coffee.

My insight is not brilliant, but it at least made me well aware that the RunRev documentation
re playing movie files on Linux is 'slack' . . .

Insight backed up with testing this morning:

1. As one has to leverage mplayer embedded movies are 'off'.

  Consequences of this:

1.1. The poor old end-user will have to 'fart around' (it has always amazed me how British slang phrases are generally "more robust" than American ones) with file pathways and so forth; unless, of course, somebody can work out how
         to manage relative pathways on Linux . . .

  1.2.  . . .  err . . . Peter ???

2. Set up a stack with a player object "PIGGY" [ this is symptomatic of how I feel this
    morning ] and, in the prefs palette set its source movie:


[ and, while we're here, I successfully copy-pasted that pathway from the prefs palette
     to Mozilla ThunderBird with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V ]

2.1. How will an end-user with a standalone 're-jig' the movie player so that it picks
          up the movie "OINK.mov" ?

3. Apart from the fact that my Ubuntu box doesn't have the necessary 'codexes' [ surely this should be 'codices'; those flaming computer people without the benefits of a Classical education; what on earth is the world coming to ? . . . :) ] the file played;
    well, the sound part did.

I suppose we would get nowhere if we expected end-users to find the necessary repository
    for their distro to install proprietary format codexes . . .

[ Ubuntu spell codex 'codecs'; obviously not much Classical education there . . . :) ]

3.1. Oddly enough, despite the PDF's insistence on mplayer, I had the thing playing just as well

           with VLC,

           with xine,

           with Totem,

           and Xfmedia.

4. Will now try to find a movie that RunRev 4.0 + Linux understand.

[ needless to say, the "Sample.mov" inclosed in the RR folder is useless on Linux; sort
      of symptomatic methinks. ]

Why do I have a funny feeling that, quite apart from sorting out the Linux version, the Documentation (both inbuilt and PDF) need quite an overhaul re the Linux version?

5. Oh Joy! The Ubuntu website has this to say: "Xfmedia is the default program to watch

Does that mean that Xfmedia is "species specific" to Ubuntu, or that it is in some way the default program for ALL Deb-derivs, or all Linuxes [ surely 'Linuces'; those flaming
    computer people . . . cor; creeping senility . . .  :) ] ?

    5.1. . . .  err . . . Peter ?

    5.2. Why have RunRev 'fastened' on mplayer rather than Xfmedia ?
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