On 07/08/2010 14:56, wayne durden wrote:
Given that almost all will indeed have excessive features, it seems like
this might be a good use case for Rev and "eating one's own dogfood."
Admittedly any prebuilt system has an enormous amount of man hours
already in it, but it doesn't seem like a bug report system needs to
start with more than 15 or so fields and Rev is ideal for incrementally
adding a feature such as a new report type as the need arises...

It has bugged me a little in that if Rev is so ideal for some of these
things, why isn't the maillist, bug syetem etc. done in Rev?  It sent
mixed messages to me at least to get a Python or PHP based list signup,
etc.  Now I fully understand the rationale, each of these things is
proven and has a ton of manhours already invested in discovering the
"gotchas" that crop up as time passes, but still, it generates a mixed
message when juxtaposed against the main selling claims related to Rev.

I'd really hate RunRev to waste resources doing this. If they were to write their own bug tracking system, mailing list etc, then I'd certainly expect them to consider using their own dog food (but possibly decide to use something else); but unless there's really nothing available that's "good enough", they should focus on their core job of improving and selling the product, not distract themselves by building from scratch what can be economically purchased.

As a programmer, with a load of programmer colleagues, it's taken me years to learn to resist the urge to roll our own. Gradually we've replaced the internally developed intranet calendar, the internally developed bug tracker, the internally developed CRM system and many other pieces, with products or OSS. Each move was a step in the right direction in focusing on what we could do for our clients. Frankly products are probably a better move than OSS in this respect; for the equivalent of perhaps half a day's rates, we get the product of months of work by someone else's developers, with someone else to do support and fix bugs; the inability to change the odd aspects that we don't like are probably outweighed by the inability to waste staff time fixing those aspects.

I cry when I recall that in the infancy of our company we kept our accounts using a system written by our MD in Prolog!

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