On 9/9/10 1:08 PM, Marian Petrides wrote:
Jackie It's more than jokes these days. :-(  I just read an article
about how Microsoft's X-Box gaming network (?X-box Live) summarily
throwing a gamer off because the name of his hometown is Ft. Gay,
Georgia and that using the word somehow violated the TOS.  Say

That happens to us all the time. My husband gets furious. He tries to order something online and the order form is rejected. Occasionally he'll use "Gray", but if payment is required that doesn't work because the order name doesn't match the name on his credit card.

I have been rejected from joining several online mailing lists and forums, and it is one of the main reasons I add my maiden name to my signature. Sometimes I concatenate the two names without a space, just to get access to various places.

I also receive an inordinate amount of spam about sexually-oriented groups and publications. But after 25 years of all this, it is better to retain a sense of humor and make jokes about it. One gets weary of fighting. I'm just thankful that caller ID has stopped all the nine-year-olds from making their anonymous phone calls to us at 3 AM.

And now back to our regularly scheduled celebrations.. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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