Ah, been extremely busy of late and have a brief moment to visit the List to
discover nothing has changed, the old OS wars continues lightly disguised as
Steve is Satan discussion.

I'm a little surprised we are still alive after the previous apocalyptic
prophesies made about the previous draconian decree forced upon us by Steve.

As usual I'll vote with my wallet, and lets just see what the wallet has to
say about Steve's suicidal business decisions:

I believe Steve's last 'will spell the end of Apple' decision was made about
30 April when Apple stock was around $261.09. Of course, unlike an
individual of integrity, who'd stand by their statements and stick with them
now matter how foolish they are - a bit like the decorated military
commanders we revere who just keep sending the troops to their deaths no
matter the toll, because they said they'd get that job done - Steve had to
eat humble pie and go back on his word, which I think occurred around Sep
10th - Apple stock had subsequently languished selling at a measly $263.41.
Today the Stock is suffering at $309.52 and guess given the List's 'the end
is nigh' assessment of his latest announcement, will continue to suffer
badly as Apple dwindles into oblivion.

Some of course might find it interesting that on 30th April Microsoft was
listed at $30:54, having not made any silly decisions on 10th Sep it was
listed at $23:85, and today at $25:38! Outside of the Tech industry Walmart
was listed at $53:64 30th April, and again didn't make any silly decisions,
so on 10th Sep were listed at $51:97, and today at $54:06.

Yep, some people on this List, if they had a spare 10 grand would go out and
'eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die'. Me, between Apple and any
other company represented by any individual on this List, I'd invest that 10
grand in Apple - there's still a whole heap more money to be made up until
the time Steve dies, then it's SELL SELL SELL!

It's strange how some people think that the real reason people buy Korean
cars is because they are more reliable, cheaper and do the same job, if not
better, than the more expensive European offering. The truth is, apart from
a very few select individuals, Warren Buffett is the only one that comes to
mind, the vast majority of consumers, if they won $133 million on the New
York Mega Million Lottery, would go out and buy the Ferrari. Deep down
everyone knows what they really want, but it's common sense that prevails
and forces as to justify our more sensible spending. It's the marketing
man's job to push that common sense boundary as high up the price ladder as
he can.

Steve is Satan, he's been pushing Apple from the very beginning ;-)
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